Frequently asked Questions
How can I place an order?
You may continue shopping after having added the product you like to your cart by clicking on the “Add to Cart” link or set over to the payment page by following the guidance after having completed your shopping.

What are the payment forms?
You may select the payment with a debit/credit card or bank wire in order to benefit from the cash discounts for your purchases on our website.

Is purchasing with a credit/debit card secure?
All your information during the shopping process are secured with 128 bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encoding. In addition your credit/debit card information are sent directly to the bank and never kept in our system.

Are my personal data protected?
Exactly. Your personal data is not shared with anybody. Your e-mail address is not disclosed to any person or organization, used at marketing activities, leased or sold without your consent.

Return and Change complies and respects the consumer rights. A return or change can be made when the packaging of the product you purchased is not opened; the product is not damaged or preseved its resaleability. The cargo payment will be borne by you in case of a return or change. No product returns are accepted at your special orders.

What if my personal data changes?
You may update the changes by logging into our site with your personal data or sending a message including your personal data to in case of a change of your personal data ( address, phone, e-mail etc.).

Can I purchase the same products from your store, too?
Yes, you can. But a product which you have seen on our web site might not be available in the store. The products on our web site and in our store are limited with the stocks. You may obtain information regarding the respective product by contacting our store.

When will my order be delivered to the cargo?
The products you have ordered will be delivered to the cargo within 3 to 10 working days as of the completion of the payment for the order (on the same working day at payments with debit/credit cards or as of the receipt of the transfer data in case you pay with bank wire or EFT). Your orders placed on a holiday will be processed on the first working day following your order in addition to these terms. And the delivery term of the cargo companies may vary between 1-3 working days depending on the commitment of the cargo company.

The processes you will perform on our Site are secured by
128 Bit SSL encoding pursuant to the requirements of SET.
© Copyright 2013 - Sahaf Turkuaz